Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I had my interview yesterday and it went great. I have been nominated for Eastern Europe, teaching secondary (high school) English, leaving in September.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Okay, so I got in touch w/ the lady from the university in China and I'm sending her my application stuff. I still want to join the Peace Corps (it's still #1, I SWEAR) but maybe I should go to China for six months or a year first. China is most definitely not for the money. I'd probably be saving a sixth (if that) of what I'd be saving in Korea, not to mention I have to pay my own way there. If the PC would allow it, I'd like to go to China for the sake of going to China. I'm interested in the culture, which is a zillion years old and fascinating, in my humble opinion. Since I hope to travel while I'm there, I'd probably save nothing.

My PC interview is Tuesday. I'll talk to my recruiter and see what she says.

Edit: I'm inclined to complain about all of these decisions I have to make, but I know I'm lucky to even have these choices. In a former life, I was just another cog in the corporate wheel, and wondering if there wasn't more to life than adding to some bozo's bottom line.

Edit #2: Actually, "lucky" isn't the right word because while I have certainly been blessed, I did have to GO to school and put forth effort. Nobody is giving me my degree...I'm earning it. So boo-ya! (as they used to say in elementary school.)

I am not a cog! I'm the wheel itself!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

F that!

This morning I spoke with an intelligent and trustworthy friend of mine, who said that money doesn't matter and that it can be earned later. In my heart I already knew that, but my head was arguing otherwise. I thought about our conversation all morning and then had an epiphany at lunch. I don't want to be one of those people who worship money. That's not who I am, and if I go to Korea just for money then it goes against my principles and everything that I'd conversely say to somebody else with this dilemma. I'm going to chase what means the most to me, and money is not it.

So I'm sure Korea is a beautiful country with lovely people, but screw it! I'm joining the Peace Corps. And the world will be better for it, 27 months later.

Monday, March 12, 2007


I've done tons of research over the past couple years about working overseas as an ESL teacher, and one of the places I've been interested in is South Korea...frankly, because the market is huge there and there is tons of money to be had. The starting pay is US$1900 (at the very, very least) and they pay for your flight and housing, and the cost of living there is very low which allows room for savings. I could use some money in my bank account, not to mention the experience is invaluable. What deterred me from going there is that my research told me that it's super hard for non-caucasian people to find a job there because they only want "real Americans."

Today I took a chance and wrote to a public school recruiter (public schools are more accepting of us"non-Americans"...derr) and asked her what my chances are. She said that if I want a job, she was sure she could get me one since I am indeed a native speaker of English. Yay. But what about the Peace Corps? Can I do both?? Maybe I should work in Korea for a year, save some money and then let it sit in an interest-bearing account for 27 months while I'm gone...why are there so many decisions to be made?!

The big reason for not going to Korea is that I'd be teaching kids, whom I don't really enjoy...but then again, I've only worked with them once in my life for nine days (summer camp) so who's to say that feeling couldn't change?

If only God or Allah or Buddha or one of those guys could just send me a sign, an email, a text message or anything, I'd really appreciate it...I'm at a loss.

Some organization of my thoughts:
(and if you're still reading, wow!)

Peace Corps pros:
1. Going somewhere that I couldn't really go on my own (and being taken care of)
2. Helping people in a way I can't really do on my own
3. It looks AWESOME on grad school applications (and scholarships)
4. I've always admired people who joined and I want to be the kind of person I admire.
5. I've just always wanted to do it. Period.

Peace Corps cons:
1. No money
2. Long time commitment
3. Null #1-2. I just really want to do it. Who cares about money, and time is on my side. I'm still young, for crying out loud.

Korea pros:
1. Money!! I need some!
2. Going to another country, fun and adventure w/ all the modern conveniences.
3. I can learn to speak Korean...the language of many of my future students in America.
4. A buttload of money. (Is there an echo in here?)

Korea cons:
1. I want to join the Peace Corps.

Theoretically, I know I can do both. Korea for one year, PC for two. But what if I go to Korea and then don't wanna join the PC? But what if I shouldn't be saying "what if?" Is that how life was meant to be lived??

AAAHHH...naptime. I'm done thinking about this for now. Maybe I'll dream about the solution.

Oh one more quickie. I can easily teach at a university in China due to a school connection. It's a UNIVERSITY...that's the real thing...but no money. Hardly any. But the experience is invaluable. Plus if you wanna talk about history and culture, you can't top China. What's the most important language to learn right now? Chinese. Plus I have an old friend there who loves the job, and she is looking for a traveling buddy. I wanna travel too! Why wouldn't I go to China??

Okay now it's really time for a nap, so I'm shutting up.

Friday, March 9, 2007


I got a call from my recruiter today! Her name is Melanie and I'm gonna meet her for an interview on Tuesday, March 27. Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The interview is coming up...

Eeeekk!! I got an email from the PC with more forms to fill out. They said to be ready for an interview in two weeks!! It feels like it's really happening now. But then again, I said that when I pressed the "submit" button on my application.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


I submitted my Peace Corps application online two days ago. I'm so nervous.

Anyway I should be getting an interview within the next four weeks or so.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Yay!! I joined the world of bloggers!

Hey, my first post! Hello there!

My blog will probably be boring for the next few months, because not a ton is going on. I'm graduating from college in [see countdown below] and filling out zillions of applications to teaching programs. I am also applying to the Peace Corps, which is my #1 choice. The intention of this blog is to update family and friends of my nutty, crazy adventures in a foreign land...which is where I am NOT right now, so check back later if you want to read the really fun stuff.