Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Okay, so I got in touch w/ the lady from the university in China and I'm sending her my application stuff. I still want to join the Peace Corps (it's still #1, I SWEAR) but maybe I should go to China for six months or a year first. China is most definitely not for the money. I'd probably be saving a sixth (if that) of what I'd be saving in Korea, not to mention I have to pay my own way there. If the PC would allow it, I'd like to go to China for the sake of going to China. I'm interested in the culture, which is a zillion years old and fascinating, in my humble opinion. Since I hope to travel while I'm there, I'd probably save nothing.

My PC interview is Tuesday. I'll talk to my recruiter and see what she says.

Edit: I'm inclined to complain about all of these decisions I have to make, but I know I'm lucky to even have these choices. In a former life, I was just another cog in the corporate wheel, and wondering if there wasn't more to life than adding to some bozo's bottom line.

Edit #2: Actually, "lucky" isn't the right word because while I have certainly been blessed, I did have to GO to school and put forth effort. Nobody is giving me my degree...I'm earning it. So boo-ya! (as they used to say in elementary school.)

I am not a cog! I'm the wheel itself!

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